Friday 12 November 2010

Target Audience for Film Trailer

Our target audience for our trailer and poster range from the ages 18-30. We feel this because a younger audience would be negatively affected by the content, styles and the way the project is edited. Also this trailer has the potential to become extremely graphic and we therefore did not feel this would be appropriate. Between the ages of 18-30 is the time when most couples form or date. A horror/thriller film is known to be an ice breaker and the male enjoys feeling protective over his female partner as it highlights his masculinity.
Although our film is classified as a horror, it contains a thriller element to which women enjoy more and therefore is attractive to both genders. This makes our trailer more universal as limited blood and gore attracts a wider audience.
The advantage of having one specific audience is that the styles, techniques and editing used only needs to be considered for one particular audience so we don't have to worry about appealing to a wider audience or offending anyone as rating gives us more freedom to experiment without having to worry.  
From looking at other film trailers such as 'The Omen' and 'Creep' we have found out that the horror genre targets young people especially. Due to the BBFC's classification of 18 for most horror or thriller films, we based our trailers content on this information, therefore the target audience for our trailer is fore people aged 18 and over. From our research we have found that 'The Last Girl' is a key element in a horror film and is used traditionally in every horror film. The actress playing this character is usually attractive, therefore appealing to a young male audience. Therefore in our trailer we are using a young attractive female in order to attract a traditional horror audience, however we have challenged codes and conventions of the horror genre as we will not use the young attractive girl as a victim of a male killer. 
Research from 'The Creep' trailer has shown us that horror movies aim mostly for a male audience as they are more exposed to blood and gore through the media such as video games and other horror films, whereas traditionally a female audience prefer a more relaxed film, such as a Rom-com, however some females do enjoy horror films. 

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