Thursday 11 November 2010

Audience Feedback

Feedback to our idea for our trailer,was positive and everyone who helped us carried out our research gave us good feedback to our ideas. From our audience expectation questionnaire, we found that the name 'Desolate' meaning isolated and alone was the best suited for our film trailer as it highlighted the horror/thriller genre, therefore we incorporated this into our trailer. We also wanted the audience to feel a sense of isolation, so this title was the best option to fit into the mood of our trailer. Also from our audience feedback, we also found that it is the most effective option to keep most of the narrative under wraps from the audience, and not give too much away, as creating enigmas encourages and audience to come and view your film, and also creates discussion among an audience.
 For the third question, we found that the majority of the audience selected 'The Last Girl' and an isolated setting to define the horror/thriller piece, which is the best choice for our trailer as I said earlier that the theme we want to circulate is isolation, so this is something we will definitely include in our trailer. The location of our trailer due to the results we have found will be in an isolated setting such as a graveyard as it creates a sense of loneliness and sets the mood for the audience. It is also a key element in defining the genre. However, although we have featured a girl in our trailer, it is not clear whether we use the girl as a victim of a male villain, as this is the traditional set up of a horror film as we have found through our research. Therefore in this question, we have decided to challenge codes and conventions of the horror genre, as we will not include typical characters in our trailer.
For the question 'What should our film trailer include?' half the audience have suggested blood and gore, whilst the other half suggested disturbing images as they can both create an effect on an audience. From this information, we decided that disturbing images could be more effective as we plan to have lots of quick cuts of different shots of the protagonist in different positions and different situations, which builds up the pace and could make the audience feel uncomfortable and disturbed.

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