Sunday 31 October 2010

Research findings from Film Magazines and Posters

From the posters I have researched I have found:
  • Untraditional layouts as the titles are at the bottom of the page with the main image in the 'Scream' poster being an extreme close up of the main character looking shocked. In the 'Panic Room' poster we see a close-up of the main character at the bottom of the page which doesnt follow the codes and conventions of a traditional poster setting.
  • Main character is usually in the center of the poster as this is the main attraction of the film for fans, target audiences and customers wanting to buy the poster in shops.
  • The posters are always striking, so when seen on buses, in bus shelters or outside a cinema they are immediately appealing to an audience creating a sense of curiosity.
  • Main image is usually the most shocking and powerful image as it creates interest within an audience. Interest is also created by using well known actresses and actors creating more publicity and advertisement for the product.
  • Colours used in the three film magazines gives the audience an overall feel of the film that is being advertised whether its a sci-fi thriller, or an action shot out thriller. The use of props also contributes to this feeling such as the cover containing Leonardo Dicaprio where we see him dressed in a suit with a weapon behind his back suggesting the film will involve a lot of action shots of chase sequences. Codes and conventions of thriller/horror films are used in this magazine with the use of dark colours to give the audience an overall spooky feel to the film.  
  • The USP for a film magazines is the same for every genre of film, with it being the main character as they are nine times out of ten of great fame with success from past projects which intially creates a huge fan base.

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