Saturday 30 October 2010

Analysis of Creep Trailer (Repitore of Elements)

Creep was made in 2005 and is a British horror/thriller movie directed by Christopher Smith. It follows the story of a woman locked in the underground at night where she is followed by a killer living in the sewers below. The video above is the teaser trailer of the film, lasting just 1.45s. The trailer is quite short so quick cuts and fast paced shots are used including lots of action and therefore creating a greater impact on the audience, due to so much happening in the trailer. The film is a Hybrid film as it combines two genres and in this case it is the horror and thriller genre, as it includes elements from both genres. 

The trailer starts off with point of view shots and heavy breathing from the main character who we suggest is a girl going down the escalators on the underground, this automatically creates confusion and an enigma as we wonder why is she scared? Point of view shots are used in this trailer so we are able to understand and connect with the character as we are seeing exactly what she is seeing. She then begins to scream which makes us jump and feel intimidated having us at the edge of our seats as we are then expecting something to happen due to her reaction. As this is happening there is an introduction of stingers and high pitched music, building the tension as the action begins. The music creates the mood for the audience as a tense and paranoid mood is created. An isolated setting is used to have this effect on the audience, as no one is around and therefore no one can help her. This is a common code and convention of the horror/thriller genre as it allows frightening sequences to take place as there is nothing or no one around to stop it. The trailer is set in an underground station in London, and this is therefore the films unique selling point also due to the fact this film was a British success.

Mise en scene used in the trailer includes scenes in the underground starting off going down the escalator, then looking onto the train track. The first victim killed by the unknown killer occurs on the tube as the last train arrives but does not go anywhere, this is the first occasion where we see the main character panic, and we therefore begin to panic for her. Elements from the horror/thriller genre which are seen and repeated in most horror films such as the last girl are featured in this trailer as we assume that she survives due to all horror movies following the same rules. There are also binary opposites used in genre such as the victim and the killer. Audience for this film would be older teens due to it being a certificate 18. This is not a family film due to the blood and gore, but applys more to a male audience. The narrative device used in the trailer is the unknown/killer which the main character must overcome by escaping safely. Iconography is used as we seen the unknown/killer holding a knife, this is seen in most horror movies as it is a way to represent the genre so it can be recogniseable to the audience.

Titles in the trailer are made by the use of editing also using sound effects at the end when the title of the film appears. After each few shots have been played, a subtitle will come up which the audience then have to read making them feel more involved. At the end of the trailer, an enigma is created as the last shot pictures a persons arm with a long knife which makes us question his identity, he reasons for killing people, and if the girl survives.

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